Fortune’s Fool, Mission 5

Turn 5, we start with 15 credits, 3 story points, and 2 rumors (not quest clues, I was wrong before). Nobody is in sickbay.


The crew has no reason to leave, so they stay on New Olympus. Upkeep is 1 credit. In the Crew Tasks phase, Britt trains to gain +1 xp and uses that to raise his Combat skill to 1. Everyone else trades, finding:

  • Jase: Basic supplies (pays upkeep for one turn)
  • Tine: Gun upgrade kit (improves the range of one weapon)
  • Reda: Assault blade (basically a bayonet, bonus in brawling)
  • Yared: A hot tip (rumor)
  • Diana: Military Fuel Cell (no cost to leave the planet)

The 3 rumors I have turned into a quest in the Resolve Rumors phase. The crew avoid running into any rivals on their way to the quest mission.  The location will end up being a dead end, probably.  But we still fight the battle.

I rolled a deployment condition, “Small Encounter”. I pick a crew member at random to miss the mission, but I’ll also fight one less opponent.  Diana had to sit this one out.  I also rolled a Notable Sight; there is a person of interest who will give me a Story Point if I can make contact with them or win the fight.  (Of course, I forgot to put a figure on the table to represent this person.) Enemies are 5 (4 due to the Small Encounter) Converted infiltrators (think Borg, but less pale and less robot).  Finally, my mission target is “Someone’s turf”.  All that comes together to create a story (and maybe even an interesting one).


Yared found out that someone has quietly put up a reward on Jase. The vigilantes in the last few fights weren’t after Britt, they were after the captain. Supposedly this patron is operating out of an office on the outskirts of town.

The crew decided to go check the guy out. A last-minute issue with the fuel cell delivery kept Diana at the ship. But, doubting they have much time before their target shifts location, the crew heads out anyway. They made it to the neighborhood with little trouble (not interrupted by any Rivals). But once there, things seemed a bit off.  “Hey Captain,” Yared said as they neared the building. “Doesn’t it seem a bit quiet around here?”

Nobody was in sight. No vehicles were moving. There weren’t even any animals, Terran or native, making noise. Reda muttered, “Yeah, something isn’t right here.”

“Right, I’ve got a bad feeling about this too,” Jase replied. “Tine and I will keep going up the street. The rest of you find some cover and be ready if something happens.”

Tine and Jase are top center, moving between the building and garage.  Yared is bottom right, headed toward the fence.  Reda and Britt are back by the solar collectors, they will act after the enemies.

In the silence, the crew hears unintelligible voices and movement beyond some buildings.

Converted advance on the intruders.

Turn 2.  The Converted move again, advancing on the crew.  Yared moves up to the wall, spots one across the courtyard, and fires with his rattlegun.  He Stuns her and pushes her back an inch.

Yared gets the first hit.

Tine gets in behind the barrels.  Jase takes position at the corner of the building.  Reda and Britt move up to the wall and toward Jase, because most of the enemy are moving in that direction.  They could have fired at the enemy Yared shot, but I just now noticed that I messed up the cover rules.  She was knocked down and couldn’t be seen behind the wall, I guess.

The crew moves into positions.

Turn 3.  The Converted facing Yared moves up to the fence again, but cannot shoot because of her Stun.  That comes off at the end of her activation. The others move up to the edge of the brush and all shoot at Tine, missing her.

Those are some sturdy barrels.

Yared fires at the Converted woman again, knocking her out of the fight.

The wall, not so tough.

Tine shoots at one of the converted in the brush, killing him.

And Jase shoots at another, stunning him.  Reda and Britt move into positions to help Jase out if he needs it.

Turn 4.  The Converted leader moves up and fires at Jase, stunning him and forcing him back from the corner of the building.  The other Converted moves up and removes a Stun marker.

"This is my favorite coat!"

Tine shoots back at the leader, knocking him out.

Reda moves up to shoot at the last Converted, and misses.  Britt moves across the street to take a position behind the barrels.  Yared moves into the courtyard.

Turn 5.  Yared moves to the corner of the building and fires at the last enemy, killing him.

“Who were those people?” asked Reda.  “I haven’t seen bionics like that before, they look like they are mostly robot.”

Britt spoke up from the back.  “They aren’t people, they are Converted.  These things invaded My home, Logan 3.  They took over the planet, everything.  I barely got out.  Most people didn’t.”

“What happened to them?  Did they kill your people, use them as slave labor or something?”

“No.  They took over everything, including the people.  Everyone I knew, everyone I ever met, are those things now.”

“So if these are here now, are the Converted invading this planet?”

“God, I hope not.”


The crew found 3 credits, a stim-pack, and a Strange Artifact among the remains of the enemy.  These were an Invasion Threat, but I rolled no invasion.  I don’t have to check if they become an Enemy because they are a “Roving Threat”.

Nobody was hurt, so no need to check For injuries. Yared received 4 xp; 3 for winning the fight, +1 for taking out the first enemy.  Jase, Tine, Reda, and Britt get 3 xp.  Diana gets none because she was stuck back at the ship.  Jase, Tine, and Reda spend xp to raise their Combat skills.  Nobody went shopping.

The campaign event was new business connections, which gives the crew a Patron.  An individual in that neighborhood is glad the crew cleaned up the neighborhood and wants to thank them by sending work their way.

The character event was for Britt, who simply spent some time thinking and gained 2 xp.

The crew ends the turn with 17 credits, 4 story points, a quest and no clues, basic supplies, a military fuel cell, spare parts for 2 repairs, and a stash of bionic parts that can be helpful if someone gets injured. They have three remaining Rivals: the Crimson Vipers gang, Jackson’s Rangers mercenaries, and Lt. Isaias Cayne with the local Unity garrison.